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【暴行終止 Endtrocity】《XIX》

【暴行終止 Endtrocity】《XIX》

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延續上一張數位發行的EP《Vortex》,新專輯《XIX》結合工業/電子Glitch嘻哈等新元素,並結合暗黑歌德ㄒAethistic 等視覺呈現,找到屬於我們的聲音憂鬱中帶點猖狂,暴風中又帶些寧靜在黑暗中更清楚看見這些框架訴說下一個章節的進化與蛻變。


這張專輯集合了不同的情緒與故事,因此我們在專輯視覺創作上創造出了一個『情緒集合體的機械體』並命名為XIX,也為此創作一系列的背景故事。主旨圍繞著一句話:『We are living in dystopia, in a world that
is dominated by technology and disconnect, alienation, loneliness, and dysfunction.我們視死如歸的活在反烏托邦的世界中,一個被科技、疏遠、孤獨與失調所主宰的世界。』

隨著世界瓦解,每個人以自己的方式崩壞,很難辨別誰比較瘋狂。人存在的意義是無法經由理性思考而得到答案的,反而是強調個人、獨立自主和主觀經驗。我們關心的是,人該如何安身立命,用一個我們想像的世界結合我們喜愛的重型音樂,希望帶給觀眾相同的共鳴與連結,告訴他們,屬於我們的故事。透過延聲音樂錄音與籌劃協調,這次的專輯的成品細節比以往的作品更加成熟與精緻,以及Age Creative的鬼斧神工般的設計才能顯現出我們腦海中的視覺,讓這次專輯更上一層樓。

Endtrocity is a Taiwanese Nu-Metalcore band from Taipei formed in 2011. The band consists of vocalist, Paul Chen, guitarist ZanA Wong, Eigi Lu, bassist Mick Hsu, drummer Sony Hee. Even though it is a Taiwanese band, all songs are written in English. The band have released two albums, one EP and two singles to date. 

With a sound built from the remnants of the early post-hardcore era, Endtrocity infuses electronic arrangements, native language phrases, and unique expansive sound into the mix, creating a visceral and uncompromising style that continues to invigorate and impresses.

In 2021 the release of debut album “XIX”  that has made an impact, it’s self-title track “XIX” won 2021 IMVA season June “ Best Rock Music Video”,  lashing out along with a sharp collection of tracks that are filled to the brim with unique perspectives, brutal instrumentals, and an innovative concept of "the mechanical state of emotional aggregates". The sound is a baptism of fire for both band and listener alike, setting fire to the airwaves and eclipsing all other sounds as it plays. Expressing anger, passion, and grit determination, it’s a chaotic masterpiece that finds us all on the verge of collapse, channelling the fury, confusion, and loss from the last few years and fighting to overcome them. 

Challenging identity and calling for acceptance, The band’s songs that break away from the mainstream in all the best possible ways. Helping with the band’s charge into the international scene, ‘Shut’ sees Endtrocity join forces with Kadeem France, the vocalist for the British avant-garde metal band Loathe, twisting sounds to incorporate the stellar guest spot.

We are Endtrocity from Taipei,Taiwan. We say “no genre” is our code, simply loud music with spoken words from bottom society.


Paul Chen – Lead Vocal (since 2011)

ZanA Wong – Guitar (since 2011)

Eigi Lu – Guitar (since 2016)

Mick Hsu – Bass (since 2015)

Sony Hee – Drums (since 2011)


Endtrocity 暴行終止 - XIX (Official Music Video)


Endtrocity 暴行終止 - Shut ft. Kadeem France from Loathe  

Endtrocity 暴行終止 - Give In (Official Audio Stream)


Endtrocity 暴行終止 - Maybe There's Hereafter ft. GALAR. (Official Audio Stream) 

Endtrocity 暴行終止 - Fear Of God 

Endtrocity - I Was Scared of ft. Kenneth Yao of Dark Charybdis (暴噬者主唱 饒亞哲) 


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